Everything I [Currently] Have to Say About Kai Cole and Joss Whedon
I believe Kai. I'll make that clear up front. Someone cheating on their partner while claiming to be monogamous is abuse. Let's make that clear as well. Here's where I'm really stuck, though. The excerpts of what is clearly an amends letter being made public, and most likely used out of context. I don't believe at all that Joss saying he was succeeding at being "normal" was him conceding to be a woman-hating misogynist. It was him explaining what he's learned from years of privately being an asshole. And, if I'm really honest, coming from a 12-step perspective, he sounds like a sex addict.
I also don't understand hating the man with such vitriol based solely on said excerpts. There's really not a question about how the piece Kai wrote should make you feel. The slant is crystal clear. So, making some of it public really irks me, especially since none of it should be.
Lastly, we're being given an after-the-fact account of a person. Years after the fact. And we're attempting to hold them accountable for it today, without all the behind-the-scenes knowledge that would allow us to fully understand. When you take bits and pieces of years old truth, and focus solely on that while ignoring everything positive done by the accused since... we end up with Trump in the White House because [insert anything you might've heard about Hillary here]. Since Joss' return to Twitter, he's been staunchly campaigning for social justice and has spoken about how much he would've changed about his past (professionally and otherwise). Damning him to the world of hypocrites who should never be allowed to work again... just doesn't seem right.