February Roundup, 2017


Howdy, folks. Here's the new series from last month that sounded interesting enough to watch. As always, the actually really interesting stuff is in bold.

Watch this shit:

  • Big Little Lies

    Almost put this in "meh," to be honest. There's some great talent attached, but it's a little odd. It's basically mostly wealthy parents of 1st graders dealing with being parents of 1st graders. And also a murder. But I'm not exactly sure who the hell was murdered. It'd be one thing for the mystery to be who the killer is, but to not know who died or if you're supposed to feel sorry for them... sorry, I'm not seeing the intrigue there.

  • Crashing

    A Jesus freak comedian's comedians show. Plus a lot of woe is me. I'm a bit turned off by the fact that Lauren Lapkus isn't supposed to be likable in this, because I love the crap out of her.

  • Doubt

    Court room drama featuring Laverne Mo'fuckin' Cox as a badass series regular. Also featuring Katherine Heigl a bit more than she should be featured. Honestly, the show is much more interesting when it's not about her. Dreama Walker saves the day, though.EDIT: When getting the link for the series, I found out that the show had been cancelled after airing just two episodes.Which made me chuckle at first, but then I realized Trump supporters would probably use it as an example of why trans people shouldn't be hired for leading roles (that is, if they gave enough of a shit about Doubt to complain, but apparently no one watched it so it won't matter much). In reality, though, the problem is Katherine goddamned Heigl. STOP GIVING HER LEADING ROLES. It has never and will never work out. Gurl, bye.

  • Imposters

    Definitely tries to be a lot funnier than the show was marketed as, which is a little disappointing, to be honest. I was expecting more of a con artist thriller than a buddy cop comedy. But I'll keep watching because I can't be mad at my future second husband, Parker Young.

  • Legion

    X-Men, Interrupted. From the genius behind the Fargo series. So. Worth. Your. Time.

  • Madiba

    If historical biographies are your thing, you'll be hard-pressed to find anything more interesting (and timely) than one based on Nelson Mandela.

  • Powerless

    Superheroes meets Bryan Fuller-style cuteness. If you're liking The Good Place, you'll probably enjoy this.

  • Santa Clarita Diet

    Quirky zombie goodness. Could probably use a different director, but finds a great stride about halfway through the pilot.

  • Superior Donuts

    With Katey Sagal and Judd Hirsch, you've got some powerful sitcom vets. Add to that some social commentary and munchies jokes and you've got yourself a pretty good series.

  • When We Rise

    Gay liberation amazingness. Fucking beautiful and heartwarming and gut-wrenching and inspiring and revolutionary and goddamn perfect.

Don't watch this shit:

  • APB

    Ugh. Police officers are women of color. But they can only get the job done when a rich white dude comes into play? No, thank you. Even with the goodness that is Justin Kirk.

  • Bellevue

    Anna Paquin's a drunk mess. But also a cop. And she laughs real maniacally, while almost-fucking junkies in need of anger management. Because drama? Again... no, thank you. Though, there is an apparently trans person. But still... no, thank you. Including a much-needed minority character does not make your story interesting enough to be told. No matter how mother fucking needed that minority character is in today's film climate. (EDIT: Hello again, Doubt.)