AHS: ?6 = :(


I'm extremely disappointed with this season's American Horror Story. So far, at least. It could very well be because I, myself, watch the nonsense that is My Haunted House, and list it among my guilty pleasures. Ya' know, the things I shouldn't admit to watching because they're so stupid that I should be ashamed that I enjoy them. But I fucking do, man. I do.

So, if this entire season is nothing but cheesy recreations of the tales which actors sitting in a room are telling, with the same monotone voices the My Haunted House producers make their actors use when recounting their haunted tales... (Because, let's face it, they are actors. Most normal people don't speak that way. Especially not most "haunted" people. There's gonna be missing teeth and southern drawls, if we're keeping it really real.) then this is gonna be a mess.

That's really all I have to say about this. Except that I hope it gets better. I hope that they switch things up, and end up delving into the "real lives" of the reenactors in the fake series. It'd be much more interesting if they actually got their asses haunted, while filming the hauntings of the "real" people they're playing. 'Cause if not, this shit is going to get exhausting real quick.

Not to mention... I am much more than slightly obsessed with the mythology behind Roanoke. I found out that Croatoan was the theme of this season before I watched the first episode, and it sent me flying over the god damn moon. So, to then be smacked across the face with this dumb, generic horror "docuseries" bullshit... I don't know if I can thoroughly explain the disappointment.

P.S.: Also, seriously... why, if the ratings are getting lower by the season, do you try to reinvigorate the series by completely ripping off a sub-par series?! None of this makes any sense to me. P.P.S.: If you've never seen My Haunted House, count your lucky stars, but also watch a full episode here. If for no other reason than to get a full understanding of how similar this shit is. For real, I'm expecting a lawsuit against Ryan Murphy any day now.