December Roundup, '21

This month has been a bit of a mixed bag. TV-wise, there's really not a whole lot going on. I'd even go so far as to say Covid has officially killed the golden age of television. I had trouble even finding something to use as the graphic for this month (hence me using the great Sam Jones).

On the more personal side of things, all of those bags-o-mine are very mix-y as well. I've had to start working full-time again, which has given me very little time to devote to my artwork, and the time I did have for it all went into this here TV blog and the Soundtrack. I love working on them, believe me I do, but they don't bring me any income. So, just like that (#topical)... my time as a microreviewer has come to an end. A big thanks to ye loyal few who have been watching shit with me these past few years. I really appreciate y'all.

I'm not disappearing completely, though. Taking my time away from TV and music means giving that time directly to my personal artwork and, [very] hopefully [with all fingers and toes crossed], making that more profitable. So, the site's gonna get a more simplified revamp shortly. Do stick around for that, please and thank you. Until then, though, there's this month's premieres. Let's jump on in, for the last time...

Watch This Shit:

  • Crime Scene: The Times Square Killer

    In addition to this true crime doc ticking the box next to "serial killer" on this month's list, it also lowkey tells the tale of how vintage-Times Square birthed such a criminal.

  • Landscapers

    This one's quite astonishing. It's sort of a genre of it's own. I suppose you could call it... Art House True Crime? It's four episodes of Olivia Colman and what's-his-face unsuccessfully defending themselves against a double-murder charge. Which all just sounds very British and melodramatic and legal and whatnot, but, again: art house. This whole shebang ends with a horse galloping into the sunset, y'all. It goes to some very unexpected and (somehow) satisfying places.


  • Chillin' Island

    Some rappers have lame conversations on a desert while Steven Wright narrates. Watch it stoned.

  • Santa, Inc.

    I feel like there's a new adult animated take on Santa every year now. The main difference with this one is it's stop motion. And Sarah Silverman's about to become Santa. But otherwise, yeah... more of the same ol' same ol' (including Jeff Bezos being evil).

  • Station Eleven

    I mean, look, the storytelling is done really well here. But that story itself is: "What if the pandemic was even WORSE?" Which... yeah, maybe that's not something we all need right now.

  • Voir

    Love letters to filmmakers from the cinephile freaks obsessed with them.

Don't Watch This Shit:

Honorable Mention:

The Shit I'm Not Sure About, but Am Telling You to Watch Anyway:

  • And Just Like That...

    My shady graphic for this month aside, I don't actually know much about this series beyond what's been widely spoiled, as I have yet to actually watch this new iteration of Sex and the City. But I'm telling you to watch it anyway because, whatever, of course I fuckin' am.

  • MacGruber

    On very rare occasions, I just can't find the time to watch a new series that I think you should watch anyway. With MacGruber (Will Forte's new serialized take on his [dare I say] iconic character), it's actually my husband's fault. He wants to watch it, but doesn't want me to watch it without him, and also hasn't had time to watch it. So, you'll have to rely on my knowledge of the SNL sketches and the film, which tells me that this show is: probably very stupid, very funny, and a bit naked. So, just get into it, kids. I bet you're gonna like it.
